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Job in Denmark

If you are a nurse educated outside Denmark, you need to make an application for registration to get af Danish authorization to work as a nurse. On this page you will find relevant information including links to the official authorities.

Danish nursing registration

Foreign educated nurses must hold a Danish authorization to be able to use the title nurse in Denmark. If you want to work as a nurse in Denmark, you must therefore apply for registration and obtain a Danish authorization as a nurse.

In Denmark it is only 'The Danish Patient Safety Authority' (in Danish 'Styrelsen for Patientsikkerhed') that have permission to issue the authorizations, and you must apply for authorization directly through 'The Danish Patient Safety Authority'. By following this link you can find further information on the Danish authorization process including information on how to apply. Please notice that the authorization process and the required documentation depend on the country in which you are a national and the country in which you are qualified as a nurse.

The Danish Patient Safety Autority

If you have questions regarding authorization as nurse in Denmark, you must contact the Danish Patient Safety Authority directly.

The contact details are:

The Danish Patient Safety Authority
Islands Brygge 67, P.O.Box 1881
DK-2300 Copenhagen S

Phone: +45 7228 6600

E-mail: stps@stps.dk

Webpage: www.stps.dk


Vacancies are typically published directly at the workplaces' websites. You might also find available jobs on these webpages:


In Denmark your employer will pay a certain percent of your wage each month to a pension fund that will be released when you retire or can be transferred to another pension fund later on.

The most common pension fund for nurses is PKA, which you can more about here: Go to the PKA website

Membership of the Danish Nurses' Organisation

The Danish Nurses' Organisation is the only trade union for nurses in Denmark. We strongly encourage you to become a member if you get a job as nurse in Denmark as we will then be able to help you with the professional and organizational issues you might have.

The DNO membership gives you a lot of benefits and advantages, i.e.

  • support from the DNO representatives at your workplace
  • legal assistance
  • competitive insurances
  • the Danish Journal of Nursing
  • the DNO emblem etc.
New to Denmark
There is an official website for foreigners in Denmark by the Danish Immigration Service, where you can find more information about issues related to coming to and being new in Denmark. You can find it here: