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Fag & Forskning

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Fag & Forskning 2021 nr. 2, s. 21


1. Pedersen PU. National klinisk retningslinje for perioperativ mundhygiejne til forebyggelse af postoperative infektioner. Danske Tandplejere 2021.

2. Kazemian H, Bourbour S, Beheshti M, Bahador A. Oral Colonization by Nosocomial Pathogens During Hospitalization in Intensive Care Unit and Prevention Strategies. Recent Pat Antiinfect Drug Discov. 2017 Oct 2;12(1):8-20.

3. Pedersen PU, Tracey A, Sindby JE, Bjerrum M. Preoperative oral hygiene recommendation before open-heart surgery: patients' adherence and reduction of infections: a quality improvement study. BMJ Open Qual. 2019 Apr 3;8(2):e000512.

4. De Santo LS, Bancone C, Santarpino G, Romano G, De Feo M, Scardone M, Galdieri N, Cotrufo M. Microbiologically documented nosocomial infections after cardiac surgery: an 18-month prospective tertiary care centre report. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2008 Apr;33(4):666-72.

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6. Ástvaldsdóttir Á, Boström AM, Davidson T, Gabre P, Gahnberg L, Sandborgh Englund G, Skott P, Ståhlnacke K, Tranaeus S, Wilhelmsson H, Wårdh I, Östlund P, Nilsson M. Oral health and dental care of older persons-A systematic map of systematic reviews. Gerodontology. 2018 Dec;35(4):290-304.

7. Sjögren P, Nilsson E, Forsell M, Johansson O, Hoogstraate J. A Systematic Review of the Preventive Effect of Oral Hygiene on Pneumonia and Respiratory Tract Infection in Elderly People in Hospitals and Nursing Homes: Effect Estimates and Methodological Quality of Randomized Controlled Trials. J Am Geriatr Soc 2008;56(11):2124.

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10. Cianetti S, Anderini P, Pagano S, Eusebi P, Orso M, Salvato R, Lombardo G. Oral Health Knowledge Level of Nursing Staff Working in Semi-Intensive Heart Failure Units. J Multidiscip Healthc. 2020 Feb 12;13:165-73.

11. Bhagat V, Hoang H, Crocombe LA, Goldberg LR. Incorporating oral health care education in undergraduate nursing curricula - a systematic review. BMC Nurs. 2020 Jul 14;19:66.

12. Shiraishi A, Wakabayashi H, Yoshimura Y. Oral Management in Rehabilitation Medicine: Oral Frailty, Oral Sarcopenia, and Hospital-Associated Oral Problems. J Nutr Health Aging. 2020;24(10):1094-99.

13. Sampson V, Kamona N, Sampson A. Could there be a link between oral hygiene and the severity of SARS-CoV-2 infections? Br Dent J. 2020 Jun;228(12):971-75.

14. Henderson VA. Sygeplejens grundlæggende principper. International Counsel of nurses. København: Munksgaard. 2004.

15. Nazir MA. Prevalence of periodontal disease, its association with systemic diseases and prevention. Int J Health Sci (Qassim). 2017 Apr-Jun;11(2):72-80.

16. Kuo MW, Yeh SH, Chang HM, Teng PR. Effectiveness of oral health promotion program for persons with severe mental illness: a cluster randomized controlled study. BMC Oral Health. 2020 Oct 27;20(1):290.

17. Lomborg K, Bjørn A, Dahl R, Kirkevold M. Body care experienced by people hospitalized with severe respiratory disease. J Adv Nurs. 2005 May;50(3):262-71.

18. Willumsen T, Karlsen L, Naess R, Bjørntvedt S. Are the barriers to good oral hygiene in nursing homes within the nurses or the patients? Gerodontology. 2012 Jun;29(2):e748-55.

19. Delwel S, Binnekade TT, Perez RSGM, Hertogh CMPM, Scherder EJA, Lobbezoo F. Oral hygiene and oral health in older people with dementia: a comprehensive review with focus on oral soft tissues. Clin Oral Investig. 2018 Jan;22(1):93-108.

20. Villadsen DB, Sørensen MT. Oral health – a challenge in everyday life for people with schizophrenia. Issues in Mental Health Nursing 2017;38(8):643-49.

21. Villadsen DB, Sørensen MT og Gildberg FA. Ser øjet mundens kvaler? Klinisk Sygepleje 01/2021(vol.35).

22. Villadsen DB, Sørensen MT. Mundhygiejne – en udfordring i et voksenliv med skizofreni. Best Practice Nordic 2019. https://bpno.dk/artikler/mundhygiejne-en-udfordring-i-et-voksenliv-med-s...

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24. Samson H, Berven L, Strand GV. Long-term effect of an oral healthcare programme on oral hygiene in a nursing home. Eur J Oral Sci. 2009 Oct;117(5):575-9.

25. Kossioni AE, Hajto-Bryk J, Maggi S, McKenna G, Petrovic M, Roller-Wirnsberger RE, Schimmel M, Tamulaitienè M, Vanobbergen J, Müller F. An Expert Opinion from the European College of Gerodontology and the European Geriatric Medicine Society: European Policy Recommendations on Oral Health in Older Adults. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2018 Mar;66(3):609-13.

26. Grønkjær LL og Nilsen N. Teori og praksis – mundhygiejne til indlagte patienter. Sygeplejersken 2015;(5):81-90.

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