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Fag & Forskning


Fag & Forskning 2018 nr. 4, s. 33


Anne Witthøfft, journalist

  1. Karlsson B et al. Recovery, tradisjoner, fornyelser og praksiser. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 2017.
  2. Kristensen-Mclachlan E et al. Jan blev ansat på grund af sin psykiske diagnose: Jeg tænkte, at det sgu var løgn, oktober 2018. 
  3. Madsen AKW. Recovery orientation in clinical practice: How does it unfold in mental health inpatient setting? Ph.d. Københavns Universitet, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet. 2018 Mar.
  4. Wisdom JP et al. Stealing me from myself. Identity and recovery in personal accounts of mental illness. Aust NZJ Psychiatry. 2008 Jun;42(6):489-95.
  5. Shepherd, G et al. Making Recovery a Reality. Network Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health;2008 (Jan):1-23.
  6. Slade, M. 100 ways to support recovery A guide for mental health professionals. Rethink recovery series 2009; vol 1:1-32.
  7. Borg M et al. Recoveryorienterte Praksiser. NAPHA, Norge 2013.
  8. Le Boutillier et al. What Does Recovery Mean in Practice? A Qualitative Analysis of International Recovery-Oriented Practice Guidance. Psychiatric Services, 2011; Vol. 62:1470-6.
  9. Harrow M et al. Do patients with schizophrenia ever show periods of recovery? A 15 year multi-follow-up study. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2005:31;723-34.
  10. Harrow M et al. Do patients with schizophrenia show periods of complete recovery? A 20 year follow-up. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Psychiatric Association, April 2006, New York City.
  11. Borg M et al. The nature of recovery as lived in everyday experience. Journal of Mental Health 2008:17(2);129-40.
  12. Leamy M et al. Conceptual framework for personal recovery in mental health: systematic review and narrative synthesis. The British Journal of Psychiatry : The Journal of Mental Science, 2011:199(6);445-52.
  13. Mancini MA et al. Making sense of it all: consumer providers’ theories about factors facilitating and impeding recovery from psychiatric disabilities. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal 2005:29;48–55.
  14. Spaulding WD et al. The Idea of Recovery. Handbook of Recovery in Inpatient Psychiatry. Springer International Publishing, Schweiz, 2016:1st ed;3-38.
  15. Farkas M, Gagne C, Anthony W, Chamberlin, J. Implementing Recovery Oriented Evidence Based Programs: Identifying the Critical Dimensions. Community Mental Health Journal.Academic Publishers-Human Sciences Press, Kluwer. 2005;Vol. 41(2):14158.
  16. Borg M et al. Recovery-oriented professionals: Helping relationships in mental health services. Journal of Mental Health 2004;13(5):493-505.
  17. Denhov A et al. The components of helping relationships with professionals in psychiatry: users' perspective. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 2012 Jul;58(4):417-24.
  18. Davidson L et al. Principles for Recovery-Oriented Inpatient Care in Singh NN et al. (eds) Handbook of Recovery in Inpatient Psychiatry Handbook of Recovery in Inpatient Psychiatry. Springer International Publishing, Schweiz, 2016; 1st ed:39-58.
  19. Slade M, Longden E. Empirical evidence about recovery and mental health. BMC Psychiatry. 2015 Nov 14;15:285. doi: 10.1186/s12888-015-0678-4.
  20. Sharac J. Nurse and patient activities and interaction on psychiatric inpatients wards: a literature review, International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2010 Jul; 47(7):909-17.
  21. Nordenkjær MB, Pedersen EW. En brugbar tilgang til psykiatrisk sygepleje. Sygeplejersken 2012;(12):68-70.
  22. Delaney KR et al. Magnet Forces: A Structure for a Transformation in Inpatient Psychiatric Nursing, Journal of American Psychiatric Nurses Association. 2008 Oct;14(5):346-52.
  23. Storm M et al. Models of user involvement in the mental health context: intentions and implementation challenges. Psychiatric Q. 2013 (Sep);84(3):313-27.
  24. Hyde B et al. Challenges of recovery-oriented practice in inpatient mental health settings - The potential for social work leadership. Asia Pacific journal of social work. 2014 (Apr);24(1-2):5-16.
  25. Piat M, Lal S. Service providers' experiences and perspectives on recovery-oriented mental health system reform. Psychiatr Rehabil J 2012 Spring;35(4):289-96. doi: 10.2975/35.4.2012.289.296.
  26. Le Boutillier C et al. Staff understanding of recovery-orientated mental health practice: a systematic review and narrative synthesis. Implement Sci. 2015 Jun;10:87.
  27. Borg, M, Topor, A. Virksomme relasjoner: om bedringsprosesser ved alvorlige psykiske lidelser. 3. rev. utg. Oslo: Kommuneforlaget 2014.

Læs også

  • Korsbæk L, Eplov LF, Petersen L, Olander M (ed). Psykiatrisk og psykosocial rehabilitering. En recoveryorienteret tilgang. Munksgaard. København 2010.
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Forskning viser, at det er muligt at komme sig fra psykisk sygdom. Og har man som personale fokus på patienternes håb, drømme og livskvalitet og inddrager dem i pleje og behandling, så hjælper det.

"Recovery", som betyder "at komme sig", er en tilgang, hvor det drejer sig om at møde mennesket og sætte dets håb og drømme i centrum og samtidig fjerne sig fra den traditionelle biomedicinske tilgang, dog uden helt at afskrive den.

I det arbejde kan sygeplejersker spille en vigtig rolle på grund af deres faglige viden om relationsteorier, og fordi sygeplejersker oftest er dem, som har den primære kontakt med patienterne.